Welcome to Bilboa National School
Recent News
Advertisement for Use of School Premises on a Licensed Basis for the Provision of Before and Afterschool Services/Afterschool Services:
The Board of Management of Bilboa National School, subject to the agreement of the Patron and Trustees, intends making part of the school premises available for the provision of before and afterschool services by an independent, external, third party operator. The successful applicant will be granted a licence to use a section of the school premises for specified days and times for a period of one school year and shall be responsible for the independent operation of the facility and the employment of all staff in the facility. The arrangement will be subject to a number of terms and conditions. Interested parties should in the first instance submit a written expression of interest, made by post and addressed to the Chairperson of the Board of Management of Bilboa National School, Cappamore, Co. Limerick no later than 4pm on 28th March 2025. Further information will issue to all parties that submit an expression of interest.
If any interested party has an objection to the proposal to make the school premises available to an independent, external, third party before and afterschool operator, such objections should be (i) made in writing; (ii) sent by post addressed to the Trustees of Bilboa National School, C/O Chairperson of the Board of Management of Bilboa National School, Cappamore, Co. Limerick; and (iii) reach the school by 28th March 2025. Any such submissions must be made on objective grounds.
A big welcome to the new Junior Infant pupils for 2024/2025 School Year!
Photos & announcements are posted to ClassDojo - please check regularly.
Swimming lessons have commenced! 2nd Class all the way up to 6th Class get to head to University of Limerick Swimming pool every week for 6 weeks. This is a fantastic experience which our students look forward to every year!
5th & 6th class hosted their 'Junior Entrepreneur' sale on Friday 28th February. Great fun and excitement was had and all the students had a great experience!
Hurling: On Monday 17th February, the boys from 3rd & 4th class took part in the Cumann na mBunscol, East Limerick, 5 a side indoor hurling competition at the Millennium Centre Caherconlish. After a very skillful performance, the boys won 2 of their group matches. We are awaiting on results from other fixtures to find out if the boys will progress to the next stage of the competition.
Camogie: On Monday 24th February, the girls played in the Cumann na mBunscol, East Limerick, 5 a side indoor camogie competition at the Millennium Centre Caherconlish. They won 2 of their games on the day but were narrowly beaten after a hard fought contest against the group winners.
Soccer: Boys & girls from 5th & 6th class played in the FAI 5 a side soccer competition at Seanchoill Sports Complex on Monday 3rd March. The boys won 3 of their 4 matches while the girls were unbeaten in all of their games. Both the boys and girls teams progressed to the group final stage on 25th March. The girls team topped their group and are now through to the county final which will be played in April. Well done to the boys and girls for representing our school.
Seachtain na Gaeilge was celebrated during March with exciting events such as Céilí, Tráth na gCeist, Lá Glas & more. Bain na páistí an-taitneamh as an seachtain.
5th & 6th class pupils attended a hurling blitz in Scoil na Tríonóide Naofa Doon on Friday 27th September. A great day was had by all.
We welcome our new Secretary Aishling Lonergan to our school and wish her many happy years here with us at Bilboa National School.
We celebrated National SNA Day on Thursday 26th September. We would like to thank all of our wonderful SNA's in Bilboa National School and thank them for all of the brilliant work they do for our pupils.
Pupils had a fancy dress day on Friday 25th October to celebrate Halloween. A collection was taken up for Cappamore Day Care Centre on the day.

Indoor Camogie Team
Christmas News
Thanks to all who supported the recent Christmas Fair.
Pupils took to the stage on Friday 6th December for the annual Christmas Concert. They displayed some wonderful talent on the night and kept the audience highly entertained. Click here to see some photos from the concert.
Christmas Jumper Day was held on Friday 20th December. Pupils brought donations for St. Anthony's Nursing Home in Pallasgreen
6th class led a Christmas Prayer & Carol service for the school.
Pupils took part in a Christmas Bake off.
We had a visit from Santa.
5th & 6th class pupils visited the residents of St. Anthony's Nursing Home, Pallasgreen on December 19th to spread some festive cheer. Huge thanks to Mike Hynan for sponsoring the bus for the day.
Thanks to the parents' council who donated €250 to NOVAS, an organisation that supports people who are homeless. The student council presented a cheque to Julie McKenna of NOVAS.
Cumann na mBunscol Football
In October 2024, the boys took part in the 7-a-side East Limerick competition. They won 2 of their games in the group stage but a strong opposition denied them a place in the final.
The girls took part in the 7-a-side East Limerick competition also. After a competitive performance, the girls came 2nd in their group and earned a place in the East Football Final. Congratulations to the girls who then went on to win the East Limerick Football Final on 23rd October. Well done to all the pupils who represented our school on the sporting field. Thanks to the parents council for sponsoring the buses to our games this year.
Thanks to all who donated gift filled shoe boxes to the Team Hope Christmas appeal. 65 boxes were collected in school on November 8th and are on route to children in Eastern Europe & Africa.
Congratulations to our 1st Prize winner in the category 8-10 years in the St.Ailbes Credit Union Art competition. She was awarded by their staff and her picture will feature in their annual Calendar!

Some of our 6th class pupils took part in the Munster Primary Schools Hurling & Football skills competitions in Caherconlish in May.
Congratulations to the 6th class pupils who have graduated from Bilboa. Best of luck in secondary school & beyond.
In May, the girls played in the Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick Camogie competition. After an incredible performance in the blitz, they secured a place in the East final. The boys team also made it through to the East Limerick Hurling Final.
All pupils had a cookery class with past pupil & Michelin Star chef Shona Murphy.
Congratulations to the girls who played in the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol indoor camogie competition in February. They won all matches in the group stage and secured a place in the East Final. Well done girls!
Boys & girls from 5th & 6th class represented the school at the FAI 5-A-Side soccer competition in Seanchoill Sports Complex, Corbally recently. They played against several other schools and both teams recorded some wins on the day. Well done to all involved.
World Book Day was celebrated on March 7th. There were lots of 'Book' themed activities for the pupils including dress up day, design a book cover & reading buddies.
Seachtain na Gaeilge was marked with the annual Tráth na gCeist, Lá Glas, Céilí, Irish Music & more.
In January, 3rd & 4th class boys took part in the Cumann na mBunscol indoor hurling competition. They had 2 great wins on the day but unfortunately did not make it through to the next round. Well done boys.
We have raised our Cineáltas Flag to promote kindness in our school.
2nd class have received the sacrament of First Confession and are busy preparing for First Holy Communion.
GAA training with Seán Whelan has concluded. Pupils enjoyed developing their hurling skills and had great fun.
Swimming lessons at University of Limerick are ongoing for pupils from 2nd class upwards.
5th & 6th class pupils took part in the Junior Entrepreneur Programme & showcased their own creations in school in March.
Pupils enjoyed a visit from the Liam MacCarthy Cup in November. Thanks to Limerick GAA for taking the time to come to our school.
We have received the Gold Award from the Science Foundation Ireland Curious Minds Programme. This was awarded in recognition of work undertaken by the pupils in Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths (STEM). During Science Week, 5th & 6th class pupils attended a Science Show at Cappamore Library.
Pupils from 3rd-6th class performed in the Peace Proms cross border orchestra at University of Limerick in January. They sang with several other schools on the night.
Christmas Concert was held on Friday 8th December. Click here to see some photos.
Infants, 1st & 2nd classes performed a Christmas Nativity play on Christmas week. This was followed by some festive tin whistle tunes and carol singing from the older classes. We had a very enjoyable morning. See more here!
The Student Council presented a cheque on behalf of the parents' council to Julie McKenna of NOVAS in support of their charity work.
All pupils attended the Panto in University of Limerick on Monday 18th & Tuesday 19th December.
Thanks to all who donated gift filled shoe boxes for the Team Hope Christmas appeal & thanks to all who donated used clothing for the recent collection.
The girls and boys took part in the Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick Football competitions. Our boys team played some very competitive games on the day but were unlucky not to progress to the next round. Our girls team made it through to the semi final but were beaten after a hard fought contest. Well done to all involved in both teams. Big thanks to the Parents' Council for covering the cost of buses to all our matches this year.
We have set up a brand new 'Student Council'. This committee is made up of one boy and one girl from 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th classes. The committee meet regularly with Ms. Ryan and give their opinions on matters of importance.
Congratulations to our pupils (pictured below) who won prizes in St. Ailbe's Credit Union Art Competition.

Above: Boys team that played in the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol indoor hurling competition January 2024
Above: Girls Indoor Camogie Team February 2024
Above: Boys Football team 2023
Above: Girls football team 2023
High-lights from last year.
On Monday 19th June 2023, we held our annual sports day. Pupils enjoyed Taekwondo, Hurling & Gaelic football sessions, Irish Dancing & Tug of War with guest coaches. We had some very competitive team challenge activities after this and pupils were presented with medals. To top off the day, we had a special visit from the ice-cream van. Sincere thanks to the guest coaches for their time and to the parents council for their generous contributions towards the activities. See some photos here.
East Limerick 7 a side Camogie Champions 2023
East Limerick 9 a side Hurling champions 2023
The school have been given a fish tank on loan for pupils to experience & learn about marine life. 3rd class are busy looking after the sea creatures that live in our school fish tank. Sincere thanks to Galway Marine Institute for giving the pupils this wonderful opportunity.
Pupils had great fun using the Bee Bots. These programmable floor robots are designed to teach children about directional language and computer programming in an enjoyable way. Pupils combined their STEM skills in this initiative.
3rd class pupils engaged in Engineers Week 2023

We have made a huge investment in ICT with the purchase of Chromebooks for our pupils. Each week, pupils are engaged in technology centred learning where they develop new skills and complete some work in digital format. Pupils are learning to create & edit documents and work on projects using the Chromebooks.
Pupils made St. Brigid's Crosses
Boys from 2nd, 3rd & 4th class took part in the East Limerick Indoor Hurling competition in February. They played some very
competitive games and qualified for the final.
Congratulations to the girls who took part in the East Limerick indoor camogie competition on 27th February.They played some very competitive games and recorded one win on the day but didn't make it through to the next round.

Food Collection for Novas (above)
Mary & Joseph at the Parish Pageant (below)
On Friday 28th October, we held a 'Dress Up' day in school. There were lots of very creative costumes. Click here to see some photos. We wish all our pupils & staff an enjoyable Halloween break.
Schools football competitions have now been completed. The boys played in the 9 a side East Limerick category. They played some very competitive games in the group stage and qualified for the final. After a hard fought contest in the final, the boys had a win over Caherelly NS to claim the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick title.
Our younger players competed in the INTO Mini Sevens football competition and gave a very good account of themselves against some very strong competition.
Girls from 3rd - 6th class competed in the 7 a side football competition but were unlucky not to progress past the group stage. Well done to all involved in the sports. See some photos in the gallery section.
On Monday 20th June we had our annual sports day. Children took part in several activities including archery, taekwondo, zumba, tug-o-war & the traditional team competitions. They were presented with medals on the day and there was a special surprise visit from the ice-cream van. Sincere thanks to the parents council for their sponsorship of the event. For photos click here!
The 3rd & 4th class 'Rearing Macy for Milford' fundraiser culminated in a trip to O'Donovan's Mart in Tipperary on Friday 27th May. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all children and was a huge success. Thanks to Hynan's Bus for providing transport, to local cattle haulier Mike Butler & to Supermac's for sponsoring ice-creams. A special mention to the O'Donovan family for their warm welcome & generous contribution of €200 towards the fundraiser along with goodie bags for the children. There was a very well supported school gate collection and bucket collection at the mart. These donations on top of the fantastic selling price of €1710 allowed us to present Milford Hospice with a cheque for €3230.61. I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone involved but in particular the 28 children in 3rd & 4th class for their dedication to the fundraiser. Mr. Ryan. See some more photos in the gallery.
We have achieved our third plaque of STEM excellence during the 2021/2022 school year. This is an award for outstanding work in STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths), from Science Foundation Ireland. Well done to the pupils and staff.
Congratulations to the boys on winning the Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick 9-a-side hurling competition on Monday 30th May.

Well done to the boys and girls football teams who took part in the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick competitions in May. The boys and girls played some very competitive games. The boys qualified for the next round of the compeition. More photos in gallery.

Well done to the girls who played in the Cumann na mBunscol East Limerick 7-a-side camogie competition on June 2nd. They gave an outstanding performance and made it through to the final on the day.
Back to school advice for Junior Infants https://youtu.be/UomH_vakjDI
Congratulations to 4th & 5th class pupils who completed a sponsored marathon in 2020 to raise funds for a defibrillator. Thanks to everyone's generous contributions, the defibrillator is now installed outside the main entrance to the school and is available to the community.
In the event of an emergency - DIAL 085 7474998
See the gallery for more pictures!
Congratulations to the children and staff on our recent award of the Amber Flag for promoting positive mental health in the school and the Active School's Flag for promoting physical activity & wellness.

Please note:
In the interest of safety, we ask that the area in front of the school gate is kept free of cars at all times.
You are reminded that the school is a 'Nut Free' zone. Please do not send nut or peanut products to school with your child's lunch. We encourage healthy eating at all times. Treats can be included on a Friday only.
School drop off is from 9am onwards. Pupils are not to enter the school grounds before 9am.
Classes commence at 9:10am. Infant classes finish at 1:50pm and all other classes finish at 2:50pm. Parents/guardians are asked to be punctual with school drop off and collection times.
All children must wear full school uniform coming to school, except on PE days, when the school tracksuit is permitted.
Check back here for regular updates.
School Calendar 2024/2025
School Re-Opens
Mid Term Break
Wednesday 28th August 2024
School Closed Monday 28th October – Friday 1st November
Christmas Fair |
Sunday November 17th |
Christmas Concert |
Friday December 6th at 6.30p.m. |
Christmas Holidays
School Closes Friday 20th December
Return to School
Monday 6th January
Bank Holiday
Mid Term Break
Monday 3rd February
Closed Thursday 20th & Friday 21st February
St. Patrick's Day
Monday 17th March
Easter Holidays
School Closes Friday 11th April
Return to School
Monday 28th April
May Bank Holiday
Monday 5th May
First Communion
Saturday 10th May
June Bank Holiday
Friday 30th May
Monday 2nd June
Summer Holidays |
Friday 20th June |
School Re -Opens
Wednesday 27th August |
Scoil Chríost Rí
Bilboa National School,
Co. Limerick
V94 KN61
Telephone: 061-381652